maanantai 27. toukokuuta 2024


Your mailbox has now significantly exceeded the limit on 27  May 2024 assigned to you.
The email account storage limit has been reached, with 99.9% of the space available when the account was established still in use. According to the third message, your email has used up all of your storage space.

Status : Subject: Time:
 pending ID#:032468 Delivery estimate update for your order #112-1486424-3371422  ------ forwarded message     ----   10:22:04 PM
 pending ID#:702582 Delivery estimate update for your order #112-1486424-3371422 06:51 AM
 pending ID#:738308Your %0% ]  mailbox storage is Full 06:51 AM
 pending ID#:171303 Delivery estimate update for your order #112-1486424-3371422 06:51 AM
 pending ID#:860507 Ukraine: Live news updates. 06:51 AM
 possible spam ID#:985736   Delivery estimate update for your order #112-1486424-3371422 06:51 AM

Note   : The messages will be delivered within 1-2 hours after you receive a confirmation Mail Notice. 
Please do not reply. If this message lands in your spam folder, please move it to your inbox folder

Copy; 2024